Knowledge, Attitude and practices about diabetes among Diabetic Libyan population.
Knowledge, attitude, practices, diabetes mellitusAbstract
Back ground: KAP studies are highly focused evaluations that measure changes in human knowledge, attitudes and practices in response to a specific intervention usually for, demonstration or education. Aim of study: to investigate and evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices of diabetic patients regarding diabetes, and it's management. Patients and Methods: Across sectional involving 385 diabetic participants in National Diabetic & Endocrine center (Tripoli), from Jan 2010 until April 2010 selected by systemic random. The data was collected by using the KAP questionnaire developed by the researcher's face to face interview after obtaining a verbal consent. Which included details, about sociodemographic, questions regarding knowledge , beliefs , and practices in different topic of diabetes. Results: the study reported 385 participants, 58.7% females, and their age ranged from 20 - 7oyears and above, with mean age 49 ± 14.5 years, The duration of diabetes was ranged from one year to 35 years with a mean 10.7 ± 5.5 years.. the overall mean (±SD)scores of the participants was 37.5±6 knowledge score, 6±2.1 attitude score, 10.3±2.8 practices score, with maximum scores for knowledge, attitude, practice scorepractipants being 50 , 8 ,16.Respectively.There is a significantly weak positive correlation between knowledge and attitude (r=0.137) and between knowledge, and practices (r=0.136). Similarly, there is a weak positive correlation between attitude and practices (r=0.121). Conclusion: the knowledge, attitude, and practices scores of the participants were good in general, and had sufficient knowledge about diabetes, but less in attitude and practices. But although of that, we still need for further educational intervention for all
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