Evaluation of Retention for copy post in Endodontically treated teeth cemented by different types of cement for over-denture abutments


  • Sarra Abdulhamid ben hamida Lecture at Removable prosthodontics Department, Tripoli University, Libya Author
  • Mohamed Ali El Maroush Assistant Professor at Removable prosthodontics Department, Tripoli University,Libya Author
  • Wehad Mukhtar Mustfa Assistant lecturer at Dental Biomaterial Department, Tripoli University, Libya Author
  • Suleiman Mohamed Esayah Assistant Lecture at Removable prosthodontics Department, Khalije Libya University, Libya Author




Over-denture, Metal Copy Post, Luting cement, Retention test


 Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the retention of the copy post in endodontically treated teeth cemented by three different types of cement for over-denture abutments: An in-vitro study. Method: nine recently extracted human mandibular canines and premolars were endodontically treated and randomly divided into three groups of three specimens each.  Group I: the copy posts were cemented by zinc phosphate cement (ZPC), Group II: the copy posts were cemented by Fuji cement (FC) and Group III: the copy posts cemented by core x composite cement (CXFC). Universal Testing Machine was used for retention test of copy posts. The data was collected and statistically analyzed by one way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc multiple comparison tests.  Result: By compression of retentive forces between different types of cement, The highest retentive value was shown in combination of the copy post with zinc phosphate cement with p value less than 0.05 (p =0.03), followed by fuji cement while the core X flow cement showed  The lowest retentive value. Conclusion:  within the limitation of the present study, the selection of proper cement is critical for success and survival of the core post system to support over-denture, and the ZPC showed the highest retentive value in combine with core post in compare with FC and CX FC. 


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How to Cite

ben hamida SA, El Maroush MA, Mustfa WM, Esayah SM. Evaluation of Retention for copy post in Endodontically treated teeth cemented by different types of cement for over-denture abutments . LJMR [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];12(2):172-81. Available from: https://ljmr.ly/index.php/ljmr/article/view/257