Dose Profiles Distribution of 6 MV Linear Accelerator Using Monte Carlo Code System for Optimum Treatment planning in Radiotherapy Department


  • M. I. A. Koshlaf Libyan Medical Research Center Author
  • K. L. Adullatif Department of Biomedical Engineering Libyan Academy Author



SPECT, attenuation, scattering, correction, gamma camera, radiopharmaceutical, photopeak energy, Monte Carlo Computer Code


Monte Carlo (MC) radiotherapy treatment planning has become practical in medical physics, particularly with the rapid development of computer technology. Requires detailed knowledge of linear medical accelerators (Linacs) beam radiation. In the present work the basic dosimetric properties of the 6-MV photon beam and the Varian Clinic 600CLinac were examined. The dosimetric features of interest are, the absorbed dose from the central axis, beam profiles, photon blockers, electron and positron, mean energy, spectral distribution, and isodose curves. Varian Clinic 600C Linac is simulated using the OMEGA BEAMnrc MC code system. Detailed spectra of phase space profiles of a photon beam with a field of view of 10 cm × 10 cm were modeled, simulated and finally analyzed using BEAMdp. The central axis depth dose curves, dose profiles and isodose curves for photon beams in the aqueous phantom were also recorded and analyzed using the DOSXYZnrc, STATDOSE and DOSXYZ_SHOW code. This study demonstrates that MC can generate phase space data files that can be used to generate accurate MC dose distributions for photon beams produced using a high-powered clinical linear accelerator in a water phantom or in patients for radiotherapy.


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How to Cite

Koshlaf MIA, Adullatif KL. Dose Profiles Distribution of 6 MV Linear Accelerator Using Monte Carlo Code System for Optimum Treatment planning in Radiotherapy Department. LJMR [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];17(1):120-32. Available from: