Effect of Different Degrees of lingual Implant Inclination on the Retention of Locator Retained Mandibular Implant Overdenture. An In-Vitro Study


  • Ruba Mohamed Ali Shuayb MCD, Faculty of Dentistry, University sabratha, Libya. Author
  • Mohamed Elhadi Abokrais MCD, Faculty of Dentistry, University sabratha, Libya. Author




Overdenture, Locator attachment, retention test


Purpose: This study was condacted to evaluate and compare  different degrees of lingual implant inclination on retention of locator attachments used for two implant retained mandibular overdentures .Materials and Methods:  Four acrylic resin models representing acompletely edentulous mandibular ridges were used. Each model received two implants inserted at canine area bilaterally with different degree of lingual inclination. Group I (control Group) 00, Group II (100), Group III (200), and Group IV (300). The residual ridge and the retromlar regions for each acrylic resin model were covered by auto-polymerized silicon material to simulate the oral mucosa. Four experimental acrylic metal reinforced overdenture were fabricated and connected to the  implants using Locator attachments, Universal Testing Machine was used for measuring initial and final retentive force, The Results: Locator transparent, 00 inclination and anterior dislodging recorded the highest retentive forces, while Locator blue 100 inclination and vertical dislodging  recorded the lowest retention values. Conclusions: For majority of groups, inserts, dislodging forces, initial retention recorded significant higher values than final retention.


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How to Cite

Shuayb R, Abokrais M. Effect of Different Degrees of lingual Implant Inclination on the Retention of Locator Retained Mandibular Implant Overdenture. An In-Vitro Study. LJMR [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 22];18(1):205-13. Available from: http://ljmr.ly/index.php/ljmr/article/view/159